What You Should Know About Changing Your Cat’s Diet
What You Should Know About Changing Your Cat’s Diet

Significance of Choosing High Protein Kitten Food

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Cats belong to the Felidae family which also includes tigers and lions. Although your little bundle of cuteness is not as fierce as its other distinct family, it still has similar physiological and nutritional needs. Compared to other pets, cats and kittens need more protein for adequate growth and development. Hence, their guardians need to ensure they include kitten food with high protein in their kitty’s diet.

Kittens need more protein as they need more energy. Hence, when choosing kitten food, you must go for foods with higher protein content. Most kitten food use plant and meat-based protein to meet the kitten’s daily protein requirement. While protein is essential, you must also consider your cat’s allergies and medical diagnosis before choosing any protein for kittens.

High-protein kitten food should contain the appropriate balance of all essential amino acids and good-quality digestible protein alongside other important nutrients. Cats are primarily carnivores, which means they largely depend on meat as their main source of nutrition.  

Amino acids to look for in kitten food protein

Amino acids are molecules that come together to form protein. Cats need two essential amino acids for their overall growth and well-being, unlike other species that need nine specific amino acids. Hence, when looking for protein for kittens, you should search for the following essential amino acids: 

  1. Arginine - Arginine is the most important source of energy for cats. This amino acid deficiency leads to higher ammonia in the kitten’s bloodstream which may result in seizures and can even be fatal in some situations. 
  2. Taurine - Taurine is essential for a kitten’s eye, heart, and reproductive health. Cats can synthesize a small amount of this amino acid, but it is often not sufficient for their healthy development. Kittens with a taurine deficiency may suffer from retinal degeneration, dilated cardiomyopathy, reproduction failure, and a high risk of abnormalities. Therefore, you should always check the kitten food’s protein content to ensure it contains taurine. 

Cat’s protein requirement 

Ideally, all types of kitten food contain protein. However, as cat parents, you should check its percentage daily value to ensure that you get high-protein kitten food for your growing feline friend. Yet, you must know that your kitten’s protein requirement will change as it ages.  

Cats need approximately 3.9 grams per kg of their body weight. Hence, cat parents should look for kitten food with high protein for their fur baby. Typically, cats need approximately 35 to 45% protein for better growth and development. Refer to the table below to know the approximate amount of protein content in kitten food: 

  Cat’s growth stage 

 Approximate % of protein required 









Common sources of kitten food protein

Protein is an essential element required for your cat’s consistent growth and health. Cats highly depend on protein for energy. Therefore, kitten food high in protein is supposed to be an integral part of your tiny fur baby’s diet not only in their initial years but also as they grow up. When creating a dietary plan for your cat, you must check for the kitten food protein content to ensure you make the right choice. The following are some of the most common sources of protein that will help you make better choices when selecting a cat food brand. 

  1. Plant protein: Corn gluten meal, wheat gluten, soybean meal, and rice protein are some of the plant-based protein sources suitable for your kitty. 
  2. Animal protein: Cats are carnivorous animals. In the wild, they depend on other animals for their food and nutrition. Hence, cat food brands ensure to use best-quality animal meat to provide the appropriate amount of protein for kittens through their product. Chicken, beef, lamb, fish, and turkey are known for providing concentrated protein.

You should look for these meats when buying kitten food with high protein. IAMS Proactive Health Mother and Kitten™ is made with chicken meat and salmon as well as tuna flour, so your kitty can receive the right amount of protein. It supports eye and brain development while also ensuring healthy digestion.

How to tell if your kitty needs protein? 

Essentially, all cats need protein for their ideal growth and overall development. But how to identify how much protein is enough for your kitty? Ideally, all adult cats require approximately 35% protein in their diet. According to AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials), cats need a minimum of 30% protein for growth and reproduction and 26% protein for adult maintenance. Poor-quality protein or low protein might lead to indigestion and loss of muscle mass in kittens and cats. Hence, all cat caregivers must ensure to include the optimum quality of protein in their pets’ daily meals. 

How to calculate kitten food protein content 

AAFCO provides nutrient recommendations based on dry matter. This means, if you are feeding wet cat food to your kitten, then you might have to manually calculate its protein content. The following is the formula for calculating wet cat food’s protein content: 

Step 1: Find dry matter of the food by subtracting the maximum moisture percentage from 100.

Step 2: Divide the minimum crude protein by the per cent of dry matter.

Step 3: Multiply its result by 100 to get the result of the percentage of protein available in the dry matter of the meal. 

Frequently asked questions

  1. What can I give my kitten for protein?
  2. You can choose between animal-based and plant-based protein when looking for high-protein kitten food. Please note, it is recommended to consult their veterinarian before choosing the right protein for kittens.

  3. Is high-protein good for kittens?
  4. Yes, protein is the main source of energy for cats. This means a high-protein diet is ideal for kittens as it aids their overall growth and development.

  5. What proteins do kittens prefer?
  6. Most cats prefer meat-based proteins. The three main sources of high-quality protein preferred by kittens are chicken, lamb, and fish. 

  7. What proteins are cats allergic to?
  8. Allergies may differ from cat to cat. Chicken is believed to be a common food allergy in most cats. However, some cats might also be allergic to beef, egg, soy, milk, turkey, and other food items. Please consult a veterinarian before giving any new type of protein-rich kitten food to your kitty. 

  9. What is the easiest protein for cats to digest?
  10. One of the easiest high-protein food for cats to digest is chicken. However, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian to confirm the kitten’s allergies before feeding them any new brand or type of protein-rich meal.

  • Cat Vaccinations
    Cat Vaccinations
    Cat Vaccinations

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    Cats are generally considered to be low-maintenance pets. However, that’s nothing but a myth. You need to care for a cat the way you would care for any baby, especially with regards to its health and overall well-being. Although medical treatments are available for most feline illnesses, prevention is always better than cure. Cat vaccinations, such as the anti-rabies and FVRCP vaccine, protect your furry friends from deadly infections like rabies. But did you know? These diseases are transmissible to humans as well. Yes. So, when you vaccinate your cat against such medical conditions, you also reduce the possibility of contracting fatal diseases from your own pet.

    Feline vaccines are scientifically developed to boost the cat’s immunity and fight fatal diseases. Even though there is no ‘one size fits all’ protocol for immunization, veterinarians suggest cat injections depending on your pet’s age, overall health, lifestyle, and breed. Moreover, these vaccinations are primarily divided into two categories – core vaccines and lifestyle vaccines. Core vaccines are essential for every cat irrespective of their lifestyle, breed, and region. Lifestyle vaccines are given to cats after considering certain circumstances.


    Different Cat Vaccinations and When to Vaccinate

    Administering rabies and other precautionary vaccines from a young age protects cats from falling prey to serious diseases. Mentioned below are essential cat vaccinations that every kitty must get:

    1. Rabies vaccine

    These are anti-rabies vaccines for cats. They are given annually or once in 3 years – depending on the type of vaccine you choose – to protect your kitty from the fatal rabies virus. While this disease is fatal for your feline friend, it can also prove terminal for humans. Rabies often spreads through bites or scratches of infected animals. And rabies patients develop signs of aggression, disorientation, and hydrophobia post incubation stage. If not treated in time, rabies often results in fatal consequences for both animals and humans. Hence, anti-rabies vaccines for cats are a must from a young age.

    1. FVRCP vaccine

    These are 3-in-1 vaccine for cats. FVRCP vaccine prevents cats from three different viruses – feline rhinotracheitis virus, calicivirus, and feline panleukopenia virus. Instead of getting the kitten inoculated three times, you can simply get the FVRCP vaccine. This 3-in-1 vaccine for cats is recommended annually to protect them from highly infectious diseases.

    1. FeLV vaccine

    Protect your kitty from leukemia virus by getting them vaccinated. This disease can spread through body fluids like urine, saliva, and feces; hence, FeLV infects cats while grooming or sharing a bowl with an infected cat. This fatal virus can process into various associated conditions such as anemia, lymphoma, or immunosuppression. Hence, the FeLV vaccine is recommended for cats from a very young age. This vaccine consists of two doses spaced three to four weeks apart for kittens and is followed by revaccination a year later for adult cats.

    1. FPV vaccine

    An FPV vaccine also protects your cat from feline panleukopenia. Kittens should receive an FPV shot once they turn 6-8 weeks old. You should also revaccinate your four-legged angel every three to four weeks until the age of 16 weeks. After this, a booster dose should be given between the ages of 1 to 2 years.

    1. 4-in-1 vaccine for cats

    Developed to combat 4 diseases, 4-in-1 vaccine for cats protect against rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia, and chlamydia. These 4-in-1 cat vaccine are also called 4-way vaccines or FVRCCP. Feline chlamydia is part of the feline upper respiratory complex and an underlying cause of most early ocular infections. Hence, kittens should receive 4-in-1 vaccine for cats at the age of 8, 12, and 16 weeks, and a revaccination once they turn a year old. Cat parents are also suggested to revaccinate their kitty every 3 years to keep their purrfect pal hale and hearty.

    1. 5-in-1 vaccine for cats

    F5 or Fevac 5 vaccines are 5-in-1 vaccines for cats that boosts your kitty’s immune system to tackle five viruses. Getting your kitty inoculated for this combination will ensure that it is safe from a range of fatal illnesses.


    Cat Vaccination Side Effects

    Vaccines are built to boost immunity and fight deadly illnesses. However, after getting vaccinated, your kitty might show mild signs of discomfort and other symptoms. These signs and symptoms are nothing but proof that its body is building a defense mechanism to defeat deadly viruses. Side effects of anti-rabies, FVRCP vaccine, or other combination vaccines for cats may include the following symptoms:

    1. Lethargy

    2. Loss of appetite

    3. Vomiting 

    4. Fever

    5. Diarrhea

    6. Swelling and redness around the injected area

    Ensuring that your feline friend is vaccinated from time to time aids in keeping them healthy and lively. Hence, every cat parent is recommended to plan a proper vaccination schedule for their fur babies.