How to Take Care of a Kitten: 8 Tips on Raising a Kitten Into a Healthy Cat
How to Take Care of a Kitten: 8 Tips on Raising a Kitten Into a Healthy Cat

How To Take Care Of A Kitten

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Bringing a kitten home is an experience full of joy and warmth. The internet is filled with kitten photos and videos, and you are soon going to find out why! However, these cute creatures are extremely delicate and need hands-on attention while growing up. If you bring home a kitten without a mother, you will have to be extra careful with it. Every cat parent should be well-informed about how to take care of newborn kittens or kittens in general.

We have put together a few tips to get you started on your journey of raising a kitten. From vet visits and food selection to grooming and keeping it hydrated, this article will give you a basic understanding of how to care for a kitten.

Take your kitten for regular check-ups

Routine check-ups are highly recommended for kittens. Once you get a kitten home, your responsibility as a caregiver is to take it to the vet for a basic health check-up. During this check-up, the veterinarian will check for any health concerns that need to be addressed immediately. They will also walk you through the vaccination and spaying/neutering process. If you are a first-time cat parent, do not hesitate from asking doubts and questions regarding your cat’s health and well-being.

Keep your kitten hydrated

Since a dehydrated kitten can be vulnerable to many diseases and infections, make sure that fresh water is easily accessible. In fact, place multiple water bowls around the house for it to drink from. Clean these bowls regularly and fill them up with fresh water. If the vet recommends, you can also give your kitten electrolyte water.

Provide your kitten with balanced nutrition

A newborn kitten should be fed by its mother for the first few weeks. However, kitties that find a new home generally get separated from their mother at an early age. If you have adopted a newborn pet, you probably do not know how to take care of a kitten without a mother. Start by visiting a vet to receive a comprehensive feeding guide. It will help you meet the kitty’s nutritional needs. You might also have to switch to a different type of food at different stages like teething.

Cats are carnivores; hence, their food intake is majorly meat. Ensure that the dry food you give your cat is made with high-quality protein. Made with chicken as the main ingredient, IAMS Proactive Health Mother and Kitten is protein-rich meal for your kitten. This kitten food also contains Omega 3, Colostrum, and DHA to support healthy eye and brain development!

Comfort and pamper your kitten

Cats are independent creatures that enjoy their space. However, from time to time, they also like being cuddled and picked up. They will also show affection in their own unique ways. Give your kitten some time to settle in and gradually start introducing it to your touch. Gently hold it and pamper it. Bring a few fun toys for it to play with. Kittens generally love playing with bells, strings, or anything that they can chase.

Help your kitten socialize with other family members

Introducing your kitten to its new family members – including other pets – from the beginning is a must. After all, your new kitten will be the newest addition to the clan! If you are worried about your dog and cat not getting along because of age-old assumptions, let us assure you, it is nothing but a myth. However, some dogs may not be able to differentiate a cat from a rabbit and their prey instincts could kick in. If this happens, you need to train your dog by familiarizing it with your kitten’s scent. Most dog breeds are hostile in nature and can coexist with other pets easily. Socializing for your kitten will also include grooming days, check-up days, and more.

Groom your kitten’s fur

Cats love grooming themselves and are very particular about how they look. However, kittens may need some help, especially in cases where they dirty themselves. Your vet will educate you about ways in which you can give your delicate and tiny kitten a bath. Post that, brush your kitten’s fur coat. Now, brushing its coat does not only remove dirt and dead hair, but it also regulates blood circulation, giving your kitty a healthy glow!

Litter train your kitten

Litter training is one of the most important aspects of raising a kitten. Choose a litter box that is big enough for your kitten to do its business. Finding the right type of litter may take some experimenting, but you will soon get there! Fortunately, cats usually eliminate in sandy or granular places by nature. So, when you introduce it to a litter box, chances are that it will use it right away. If your feline friend doesn’t, give it some time to get comfortable. Keep cleaning the litter box periodically to ensure hygiene.

Dedicate a comfortable sleeping space for your kitten

As a cat parent, you must pay attention to your kitty’s sleeping space. Kittens and cats are heavy sleepers; kittens can even sleep for 20 hours a day! For the first few nights, make sure your kitten sleeps next to your bed. It is normal for these feline creatures to cry during the first few days as everything is new. However, your kitten will eventually start getting used to its new space and sleep for long hours. Once it starts doing that, you can set up a cozy corner for it to sleep in.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What to avoid when raising a kitten?
  2. Here are a few things you can avoid when raising a kitten:

    • Forcing attention on your kitten
    • Punishing your kitten
    • Bringing any plants home without knowing if they are safe for your kitten

  3. Can you leave your kitten at home alone?
  4. If your kitten is between two to four months of age, do not leave it alone for more than six hours. Avoid leaving it alone for the first few months.

  5. What should I feed my kitten?
  6. Newborn kittens should be fed by their mothers. If they are separated from their mother, use a special milk formula recommended by your veterinarian.

  7. Which diseases can a kitten catch?
  8. Here are a few diseases that your kitten can catch:

    • Tapeworm
    • Rabies
    • Salmonellosis
    • Giardiasis
    • Cat scratch disease
    • Toxoplasmosis

  9. What to do before bringing a kitten home?
  10. The first thing you should do before bringing a kitten home is kitten-proofing the house. Your kitten should not be exposed to any sharp edges. Don’t keep any plants indoors until you know about their safety. Moreover, buy a litter box, water bowl, and food bowl before you bring your kitty home.