What You Should Know About Changing Your Cat’s Diet
What You Should Know About Changing Your Cat’s Diet

What You Should Know About Changing Your Cat’s Diet

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Deciding when and how you should change your cat's diet takes some planning. Because cats are creatures of habit, it is not uncommon for them to prefer their current cat food to a new food. They, like humans, become accustomed to something, such as a particular food, and may not welcome a disruption to their routine.


Tips for Successfully Changing Your Cat’s Diet

The following tips should help you change your cat's diet and successfully transition your cat to a new food:

  • Introduce the new food gradually. This is the most successful way to ease your cat into the diet change. Start by mixing 25% new food with 75% current food. Slowly change the proportions over the next three days or so by gradually increasing the amount of new food and decreasing the amount of current food. At the end of this weaning process, you should be feeding 100% of the new food. You may encounter difficulties; for example, your cat might choose to eat only the old food, or not eat at all. However, a healthy cat can miss meals for a day or two with no ill effects.
  • Watch your body language. Bringing a new food into your home, placing it into a bowl, and declaring that your cat had better eat it might cause your cat to go on an eating strike. It is better to introduce the new food to the cat using a pleasant tone of voice. Gently encourage the cat to try the new food.
  • Don't give in to demands. It is important not to give up too soon. During the initial two-day period, do not give your cat treats or table scraps! Cats train us as much as we train them. Giving in to their demands only reinforces refusal behavior and makes it more difficult to make a nutritious dietary change.
  • Expect a challenge when changing from a moist food to a dry food. The biggest challenge in switching diets occurs when changing from a moist food to a dry food. If your cat continues to resist eating dry food, mix a little warm water with it. You may even want to put the moistened food in the microwave for a few seconds. If you mix the food with water it is important to discard the uneaten portion after 20 minutes. This prevents spoilage. The same rule applies for canned food. After the cat has become accustomed to the moistened food, you can wean him or her onto the dry food.

  • Our Favorite Tips to Train a Kitten
    Our Favorite Tips to Train a Kitten
    Tips to Train Your Kitten for a Lifetime of Good Behaviour

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    Bringing a new kitten into your home is an exciting time for any pet lover. As your furry little bundle of joy grows and develops, it's important to remember that proper kitten training is essential for its physical and behavioural well-being. In the crucial growing years, a kitten's brain is like a sponge, absorbing information and learning new skills at an incredible speed. With proper guidance and loving touch, you can ensure that your kitten grows into a well-adjusted, happy, and healthy family member. This blog post will share tips to train your kitten and provide them with the best possible start in life.

    Tips to train your kitten

    As a new kitten parent, it's important to understand that kitten training should be a fun and positive experience for you and your furry friend. You can teach your kitten everything from basic commands to good manners with patience, consistency, and a few simple tips. Here are some of our top tips for training your kitten:


    1. Teach important commands

      Teaching your kitten to sit is the first step in training. Start by holding a treat in front of their nose and slowly moving it up and over their head. As they look up to follow the treat, their bottom should naturally lower to the ground. As soon as they sit, say 'sit' and give them the treat. Repeat this process several times a day until they understand the command.

    2. A place to call their own

      Crate training is an excellent way to provide your kitten with a safe and comfortable space to call their own. Start by placing a soft blanket and a few toys inside the crate. Let your kitten explore the crate on their own kitten food and reward them with treats and praise when they go inside. Over time, you can start closing the door for short periods and gradually increase the duration.

    3. Exploring the world around them

      Socialization is an important part of kitten training. Start by introducing your kitten to friends, family, and other pets. Take your fur baby on short car rides and expose it to sights, sounds, and smells. The more it is exposed to different people, animals, and environments, the more confident and well-adjusted it will be as an adult.

    4. Playtime is important!

      Training your kitten to play with toys is a great way to stimulate it mentally and physically. Start by introducing your purrfect pal to various toys and see what interests it the most. Once it is engaged, you two can indulge in fun games like fetch, chase, and tug of war.

    5. Potty training

      Litter training is an essential part of kitten training. Start by placing your kitten in the litter box after meals and naps. When they use the litter box, reward them with treats and praises. Be sure to clean the box regularly and keep it in a quiet, accessible location.

    6. Dining etiquette for kittens

      Teaching your kitten proper feeding etiquette is important for its overall health and wellbeing. Start by teaching them to eat from a bowl and not to beg at the table. Be consistent with their feeding schedule and monitor their weight to ensure your cats receive full nutrition.

    7. Make them recognize their name

      Teaching kittens to recognize their name is an important step in training. Start by calling their name and rewarding them with treats and praises when they respond. Be consistent with their name and use them as much as possible.

      Overall, training your kitten is an ongoing process that requires patience and consistency. Remember to use positive and reward-based training methods. And most importantly, have fun! Make sure to give your kitten lots of love, praises, and treats as they learn and grow.


    Our Favorite Tips to Train a Kitten
    Our Favorite Tips to Train a Kitten
    Our Favorite Tips to Train a Kitten