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Cat Life Expectancy: What Affects Your Cat’s Lifespan?

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The average cat’s lifespan is around 15 years. While a cat’s lifespan indoors can range from 12 to 18 years, some pet cats even live for up to 20 years. Outdoor cats lead significantly riskier lives as they are more prone to accidents and being attacked by other outdoor animals. Moreover, they often cannot receive medical attention in cases of ailments or injuries. This leads to them have a shorter life expectancy in comparison to their indoor counterparts. 


As a pet parent, you would want your fur baby to live a long and healthy life. It’s common sense that feeding your cat a high-quality diet has its benefits. But when it comes to maximizing your cat’s lifespan, diet is only part of the equation. Read up on everything you need to do to ensure your cat lives happily for a long time to come.


What are the different cat life stages?

A cat’s age span is divided into six stages. To understand how you can maximise your cat’s life expectancy, it is necessary to understand these life stages.

  • Kitten

    From birth till 6 months, the cats are in their earliest years and are called ‘kittens’. They undergo quick development during this time and require a lot of nutrients.

  • Junior

    From 6 months to 2 years of age, cats are considered ‘juniors’. During this time, they reach sexual maturity and develop a personality. When your cat is about a year old, they can be switched from kitten food to adult cat food.

  • Prime

    Between the age of 3 to 6 years, cats are considered to have reached their ‘prime’ age. They will be in their best physical condition during this time. However, do make sure that you still take your cat to the vet for regular check-ups.

  • Mature

    Cats are considered to be in their ‘mature’ life stage between 7 to 10 years of age. During this time, they might become less active. This might even cause them to put on some extra weight, so you may have to make changes to their diet. You may also have to add some extra vitamins to meals to improve immunity. This will be an important step in maximizing cat life expectancy.

  • Senior

    Between 11 to 14 years of age, cats are considered seniors and are at a higher risk of catching an illness. Ensure that you make regular visits to the vet and consult them frequently to ensure that your fur baby is not missing out on nutrition.

  • Geriatric

    At the age of 15 years or higher, cats are at the ‘geriatric’ life stage. During this time, they may remain mostly inactive and need more attention.

What is my cat’s age in human years?

Here is a brief guide to explain what the average age of cats is in human years:

  1. When a cat turns 1 year old, it is equivalent to a human turning 15 years old.
  2. When a cat turns 2 years of age, it is considered equivalent to a human turning 24 years old.

  3. After a cat turns 2, each following year in their life amounts to 4 human years. So, when a cat is 3 years old, it amounts to 28 human years; when 4 years old, it amounts to 32 human years, and so on.


What factors affect the average lifespan of a house cat?

Knowing what affects your pet’s lifespan can help you take the right steps to prolong longevity. 

  1. Proper diet and water

    Let’s start with something you do every day: feed your cat. There are several healthy options to choose from, so we’ll help you zero in on the formula that’s best for your cat. It’s important to note that cats are natural carnivores. Therefore, a formula with meat as the primary ingredient is a great place to start. Meat as a protein source has certain nutrients, such as taurine, that non-meat protein sources simply do not. Also, along with a proper diet, ensure your cat stays hydrated.

  2. Medical maintenance

    Regular visits to the veterinarian can help nip health issues in the bud. For instance, a vet will be able to tell if your cat is gaining too much weight and can recommend a diet and fitness program to get your kitty back to a healthy size.

    You may even want to bring a fresh faecal sample along to your next appointment. Your vet can use this sample to search for ringworms. This tip can save you extra trips to the vet’s office in case your cat does not cooperate, so to speak, during their appointment.

    Also, vets provide your cat with the vaccinations they need to fight off diseases such as feline rabies. Some vaccinations are required annually, while others should be administered every three years. Your vet’s office can help you keep track of it all, so remember to schedule that appointment!

  3. Attention

    Your cat relies on you for more than just healthy food and fresh water. They need stimulation. Sure, cats love their independence, but let’s be honest, they love getting attention. By playing with your cat for even 10 to 15 minutes a day, you are doing wonders for their lifespan. Some great games to play don’t even require fancy toys. Get a piece of string and tie it around a clean sock, then yank the string whenever your cat comes in close to investigate. Voila! Instant fun!

  4. Exercise

    Cats don’t go on runs as dogs do, so keeping your cat active with games and toys is the best way to help keep them fit. About 30 minutes of exercise or playing in a day is enough to have a significantly positive impact on maximizing your cat’s lifespan.

  5. Oral health


    If your pet’s teeth are left unclean, they can develop plaque and tartar which can cause severe problems like pain, tooth loss, or kidney ailments. So, ensure that you take your cat for regular dental check-ups.

Follow these tips and your cat will be on her way to a long and happy life with you. You’re a great owner for taking the time to read this article. It shows how much you really care about her. Now step away from the computer and show your cat some attention!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the maximum lifespan of a house cat?
    • The average cat’s lifespan lies in the range of 12 to 18 years. However, some cats do live up to 20 years.

  2. How old is an 18-year-old cat in human years?
    • When a cat turns 1 year old, it is considered to be about 15 human years. The second year of a cat’s life amounts to about 24 human years. After that, every following cat year amounts to about 4 human years. So, when a cat turns 3 years, it is considered equivalent to 24 human years, and when the cat turns 18 years old, it amounts to about 88 human years.


  3. Can cats live longer than 20 years?
    • The average age of cats is considered to be around 15 years. However, some cats do live up to 20 years and even longer. In fact, there are numerous records of cats having lived for more than 25 years; the oldest one (named Creme Puff) lived for 38 years and 3 days.


  4. What are the signs of an old cat?
    • When cats enter the senior life stage, you will notice a few of these signs - inactivity, weight loss, change in appetite, disorientation, behavioral changes, and change in the sleep cycle, among others.


  5. Do male cats live longer than female cats?
    • As per records, female cats tend to live longer than their male counterparts. Also, neutered cats have been known to live longer than unneutered cats and spayed cats have been known to have a higher chance of outliving unspayed cats.


  • Your Cat’s Language: What Meows, Chirps and Yowls Mean
    Your Cat’s Language: What Meows, Chirps and Yowls Mean
    Different Types of Cat Sounds

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    Have you ever wondered about the mysteries behind a cat's purr? It is not just a simple sound, but a blend of feline physiology at work. Cats achieve their signature purr through rapid contractions and relaxations of their laryngeal muscles, around 150 times per second. This creates that familiar, soothing and resonant sound we all adore. And as your cat takes each breath, the airflow caresses these vibrating muscles adding more depth to its purr. In this blog, we will look into the secrets behind this enchanting feline phenomenon. 

    Why do cats purr?

    Purring is a feline’s versatile tool of communication. Sure, cats purr when they are happy and comfy, but they can also purr when they are stressed, in pain, or even when they are hungry – it is like a cat crying for some attention. And here is a fun fact: mama cats purr to bond with their kittens, and kitten sounds are indicators of the little ones telling mom everything is fine. 

    Let us dive into the details of different cat sounds because they might just be trying to tell you something important. 

    Decoding the purrs: what does it mean?

    Cats are like mysterious little furballs, and their purring adds another layer to the enigma. So, what exactly are they trying to convey when they turn on the purr engine? 

    1. Happiness

      When your cat is in its happy place – curled up on your lap or basking in a sunbeam – that gentle purring is often a sign of pure contentment. In cat language, it means, 'Life is good right now.'

    2. Bonding and affection

      Cats are known for their independent streak, but when they snuggle close and start to purr, it is a clear sign of love and bonding. It is a cat’s way of saying, 'You are my favorite human, and I adore you.'

    3. As a location signal

      Ever noticed your cat purring when you are in the same room but cannot see her? That is her way of announcing her presence, like a cat crying as a GPS locator, 'Don’t worry, I am nearby.'

    4. Because they are in pain

      It is not all sunshine and rainbows. Cats may also purr when they are in pain or discomfort, which can be akin to a kitten sound or cat cry, meaning something is not quite right.

    5. To self-medicate and heal

      Cats are remarkable self-healers, and purring may have therapeutic effects. The vibrations produced during purring may promote the healing of bones and tissues. I is their natural way of saying, 'I will make myself better,' and it is not unlike the comforting kitten sound that a mother cat makes to communicate love to her babies.

    6. A reaction to being pet or tickled

      That ecstatic purring when you stroke cats’ fur or tickle them? It is the feline version of laughter. They are loving every moment of your attention, and their purr is a joyful response.

    7. To calm themselves down

      Cats have a unique ability to use purring as a stress-relief mechanism. When faced with a tense situation, they may start to purr to calm their frayed nerves. It is like their built-in stress buster.

    8. To let you know they are hungry

      Sometimes, it is all about the food. Cats can be quite vocal when they are hungry, and this may include the sound of a cat crying. When being loud, it could mean that the cat said it is dinnertime. It is like a polite request for a meal. 

      With this information up your sleeve, the next time your furry friend starts to purr take a moment to decode the message. It is like having a heart-to-heart conversation in your cat’s language!

    Why does my cat meow so much? 

    If your feline friend seems to be a chatterbox, you might be wondering what is behind your cat’s meowing. Cats are quite expressive through their meows, and the reasons can vary. A cat’s meow sound may be to seek attention, express hunger, combat loneliness, or signal stress or discomfort. Older cats may meow more due to cognitive changes, and sometimes, boredom can lead to cats meowing excessively. Paying attention to the context and your cat's specific meowing patterns can help you understand its needs and ensure its well-being.

    Different cat sounds: what is the kitty trying to tell you?

    Cats are vocal creatures, and they have an impressive range of sounds to express themselves. Here are five of the most common cat sounds and what they typically mean.

    1. Meow

      Meowing is an all-purpose communicator in cat language. Cats meow to get your attention, ask for food, or simply say hello. The tone and intensity can convey their emotions, from friendly greetings to a cat crying for urgent demands.

    2. Hiss

      In cat language, this is a clear sign of displeasure or fear. When a cat hisses, it is a warning to back off, and it is best to respect their boundaries.

    3. Chirp 

      This quirky cat sound often happens when a cat spots a bird or other prey through a window. It's like their way of expressing excitement and frustration at not being able to catch it.

    4. Growl 

      This kitten sound is a signal that your cat is feeling threatened or territorial. It is a low, guttural sound meant to deter potential intruders.

    5. Yowl or caterwaul

      This is the sound of a cat crying, meaning it is mating season. This cat crying sound is also heard when an unspayed female is in heat. It is a cat's way of announcing its presence and seeking a mate.

      Understanding these sounds can help you connect better with your feline friend and respond to its needs and emotions appropriately.

    Your Cat’s Language: What Meows, Chirps and Yowls Mean